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The Word of the Ascended Masters is the ultimate Authority in any question relating to Truth.
"Awesomely researched.... Walker has distilled 20 years of research into an absorbing treasure house." - Los Angeles Times
"Whoever ventures into this . . . book runs the risk of being totally absorbed." - Shirley Horner - The New York Times
"A mountain of scholarship, a vast mass of supremely documented material . . . demonstrat[ing] the dominant role women have played in the cultural evolution of our species. " - San Francisco Chronicle
"Barbara Walker upsets the complacent Judeo-Christian apple cart of orthodoxy. [An] outstanding, endless well of information.... Her literary excellence and the unrelentingly fascinating material . . . redresses two millennia of cultural and sexual misrepresentation." - East West Journal
"A whopping compendium of history, legend, and myth" - The Denver Post
"A vast and detailed resource on women's history . . . offer[ing] a wealth of fascinating detail. It will indeed give a clearer picture of our total cultural heritage." - Yoga Journal
"Walker has written a tribute to the goddess . . . Walker has eyes to see what the rest of us cannot: the figure of the goddess hidden behind rites, dogma, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, superstitions, even our very language. She sees the restoring of the goddess to her rightful place as an essential healing act for women and our whole culture . . . You can rely on it to be witty and compulsively readable." - The Philadelphia Inquirer
This index to Barbara Walker’s book is offered to us here at the Ascension Research Center website by Beedy Parker & Cheryl Brooks. Please feel free to use it as you look for information in Walker's book.
To read the Index CLICK HERE (pdf)
Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets
Click here to order, or for price and availability information.
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