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The Word of the Ascended Masters is the ultimate Authority in any question relating to Truth.

Ascended Lady Master Lotus

Ascended Master                Guy Ballard and Edna Ballard                Ascended Master
Edna Ballard and Guy Ballard

Service to God in Life

  • Ascended:
    • After transition from her physical body on February 10, 1971, beloved Lotus attained the Victory of the Ascension on February 12, 1971 from the Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Teton Mountains, Wyoming, U.S.A.

  • Twin Flame / Divine Complement / Twin Ray:

  • Embodied as:
    • Edna Wheeler Ballard (1886 - 1971) - Messenger for Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood from the late 1920's until February 10, 1971. She was the co-founder of The "I AM" Activity with Guy W. Ballard, her husband and Twin Ray.
    • Joan of Arc (c. 1412 – May 30, 1431) A peasant girl born in Eastern France, Joan led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War, claiming divine guidance, and was indirectly responsible for the coronation of King Charles VII. She was captured by the English, tried by an ecclesiastical court and burned at the stake by the English when she was nineteen years old. Twenty-four years later, the Holy See reviewed the decision of the ecclesiastical court, found her innocent, and declared her a martyr.
    • Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 [or January 6, 1705] - April 17, 1790) — one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. Franklin was a leading author, printer, satirist, politician, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, philosopher, and diplomat.
    • Adina on the Island of Britain, who together with the Roman Procurator Aemilius, was the first to greet and assist the Apostle Paul on his mission there to proclaim the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • Also known as:
    • "Mama"
    • Edna Ballard
    • Mrs. Ballard
    • Mama Ballard
    • Lotus Ray King

Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc, a past embodiment of Beloved Lotus

Anger is never without a reason, but seldom a good one. - Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin : An American Life     by Walter Isaacson

Benjamin Franklin, writes journalist and biographer Walter Isaacson, was that rare Founding Father who would sooner wink at a passer-by than sit still for a formal portrait. What's more, Isaacson relates in this fluent and entertaining biography, the revolutionary leader represents a political tradition that has been all but forgotten today, one that prizes pragmatism over moralism, religious tolerance over fundamentalist rigidity, and social mobility over class privilege. That broadly democratic sensibility allowed Franklin his contradictions, as Isaacson shows. Though a man of lofty principles, Franklin wasn't shy of using sex to sell the newspapers he edited and published; though far from frivolous, he liked his toys and his mortal pleasures; and though he sometimes gave off a simpleton image, he was a shrewd and even crafty politician. Isaacson doesn't shy from enumerating Franklin’s occasional peccadilloes and shortcomings, in keeping with the iconoclastic nature of our time--none of which, however, stops him from considering Benjamin Franklin "the most accomplished American of his age," and one of the most admirable of any era. And here’s one bit of proof: as a young man, Ben Franklin regularly went without food in order to buy books. His example, as always, is a good one - and this is just the book to buy with the proceeds from the grocery budget.

Benjamin Franklin

Walter Isaacson

"Articles of Belief"

by Benjamin Franklin

1930 article on "Grace"

by Edna Ballard

1930 article on "Auras"

by Edna Ballard

1930 article titled "Praise Your Diamond Self"

by Edna Ballard

1930 article titled "Harmony"

by Edna Ballard

1930 article titled "Thought Forms"

by Edna Ballard

Ascension Research Center is an independent student research project. At the bottom of every web page on our site, we make it clear that this web site is not associated with, or sponsored by, any other organization, including the Saint Germain Foundation. The intent of this presentation is to inform students of the Light throughout the world of the existence of the Ascended Masters' Instruction, as originally presented by Mr. & Mrs. Guy W. Ballard in 3,834 Dictations from the Ascended Masters from 1932 through 1970. The Saint Germain Press publishes the Ascended Masters' Instruction in the original form without being mingled with teachings from other sources.

Edna Ballard
Edna Ballard during a Conclave

Godfre and Lotus
Beloved Godfre and Lotus (Copyright © Saint Germain Foundation)

  1. "I AM" Ascended Master Dictation List, (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press, Inc. ®, 1994)
  2. King, Godfre Ray Unveiled Mysteries (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press, Inc. ®, 1989)
  3. King, Godfre Ray The Magic Presence (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press, Inc. ®, 1989)
  4. Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters   The I AM Discourses (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press, Inc. ®, 1935)
  5. Voice of the I AM ®, (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press, Inc. ®)

Meditation music: "My Country 'Tis Of Thee" Music Copyright © 1992-1996 VOYETRA Technologies

Great Central Sun Angels

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