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The Karmic Board

Scales of Justice

by Tellis Papastavro

The sequence to the end of each re-embodiment is the individual's appearance before the Karmic Board, where his Christ Self, and the Angel of Record, quite impartially, will present the evolving soul's harvest, for the life that has just ended, detailing to what extent she contributed to the expansion of her own consciousness and to that of God' Kingdom upon the Earth.

The Karmic Board, sitting as a Court of judgment, listens attentively and with equal impartiality. It is not there to inflict punishment in any sense of the word and Its interest, based on Divine Law and Love, is to correct, if necessary, but primarily to assist the soul to evolve the best way possible, but always consistent with her Karmic liabilities and talents.

Aeons ago, and before the "Fall of Man", this Karmic Board, consisting then of only three members, was not to render judgment, but to see that the various Root Races and Sub-races were properly and on time, evolved and Ascended. It was after the coming of the "laggards" and the creation of karma by the then humanity, that the Karmic Board was increased to seven members, with its duties altered to meet the new situation.

The Present Board is composed of the following Members:
1. The Great Divine Director - Manu of the Seventh Root Race and represents in the Board the First Ray.
2. The Goddess of Liberty, and represents the Second Ray.
3. The Chohan Nada - Ascended Lady Master Nada - Goddess of Divine Love, "Messenger" of God Meru, Manu of the Sixth Root Race, represents the Third Ray.
4. Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, Divine Complement of the Maha Chohan - Representative of the Holy Spirit, represents the Fourth Ray.
5. Cyclopea, sometimes known as "the Elohim Vista", represents the Fifth Ray.
6. Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy and Forgiveness, represents the Sixth Ray.
7. Portia, Goddess of Justice and Opportunity, Chairman of the Board, Divine Complement of Saint Germain, represents the Seventh Ray.

Though the Karmic Board's work and duties are diverse (1) basically they are to help man transmute his evil karma into Divine Light and prepare him to eventually "return Home" via the Ascension. This transmutation, as well as all of man's spiritual evolution, is shown on his Causal Body where, unmistakably, is shown his progress or his stagnation. (2)

One aspect of the Karmic Board's work is to see that the souls that are to be embodied, at a given time, they do not add more karma on the planet than that which already has been accumulated by those whose place they are taking. In addition to this, other souls more evolved, are given opportunity to reincarnate so that their presence may help the race to quicker evolution and, in a measure, reduce the totality of the Earth's Karmic liabilities. Great care is exercised in the allocation of the particular karma which an individual is expected to transmute at a given re-embodiment. (3) The karma is selected from the totality of the individual's accumulated whole, from previous lives, and which remains dormant in the ethers above the Earth. With reincarnation the selected part is re-vitalized. (4)

Souls, which during their earthly life, which they had just terminated, had shown that they knew the purpose of their being and did everything within their power to promote the Earth's and their fellow men's evolution, receive special attention by the Karmic Board. At the moment of death, or immediately after, these souls are met by their Ascended Master Sponsor and Teacher, or one of His representatives, or even one of the Angelic Evolution and receive special help, so that they will adapt themselves easier in their new environment. Generally, these more evolved souls by-pass the afterdeath "rest" allotted to each newly-arrived soul, on the other side, and with their sponsoring Ascended Master, or His representative, appear within twelve hours, before the Karmic Board, for "Judgment". This is not necessary, as the Mercy of the Cosmic Law provides a certain rest to the soul before it is called for "Judgment". Souls who do expect to meet loved ones on the other side are allowed to spend their "rest" in company with them, provided of course, they are still available and they have neither advanced to higher spheres or reincarnated.

One of the many Dispensations which the Karmic Board allows to the soul that will appear for judgment is the opportunity to see the past of the life which she had left, and judge for herself the opportunities that were offered to her to advance her evolution and which she thoughtlessly discarded. It is at this moment that man, as a soul, for the first time, sees with his own eyes, the dimension of the Causal Body, and he can judge for and by himself to what extent, as an individual on Earth, he contributed to the advancement of the human evolution, or he was a worthless entity, a seductive being bent for evil and a mere weight on the planet.

Immediately after the "Judgment", if the soul happens to belong to the higher, more evolved class, she starts the transmutation of her Karmic liabilities by attending special schools (5) created for that purpose, under the direction of wise Teachers and the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame, in similar manner as it is used on Earth. But these special Dispensations are not granted to the great mass of unevolved souls who have no idea of "what it is all about", but for the spiritually advanced - the more evolved. But even for the not evolved, the Mercy and Love of the Cosmic Law, through its Karmic Board, is boundless. Angels, well-trained for this particular service, lovingly bring them to spheres where, under the tutelage of wise teachers, are learning the purpose of their being and what is their destiny in life. If a soul, as an individual on Earth, had spent its life in discord and crime, it may be necessary for her own good and her future advancement, to experience the feeling of her evil works, through pain, and this not as a punishment, but as a means of correction, so that she will be impressed with the fact that such acts are not in accordance with the edicts of God's Law. (6)

Souls, who in their Earth life did not believe in a "future life", and others who left the physical world in psychic turmoil, such as murder, war, etc., or they are beings of the lowest strata, are directed to the "Sleepers Sphere", for a period of rest, its duration depending upon the time the Messenger Angel of the Karmic Board, comes to him with the summons on hand for the "judgment". In the past, many of these souls, refused to accept these "summons" for centuries, with the result their astral body (7) to have become so atrophied as to resemble a stony skeleton. This no longer, however, takes place and the Cosmic Law, recently, through the invocations of students on Earth, revoked this practice and no soul can remain now in the Sleepers Realm for more than three months.

A different class to the above are the "Earth Bound". These are a type of individuals utterly selfish; instinctively criminal; beings delighting in the suffering of others, whose only aim in life is the "material", regardless of the means used for its acquisition. These souls, after "death", because of the magnetic chains they have wrought upon themselves, while alive on Earth and which chains hold them prisoners to her, compels them to remain near and close to her, often for thousands of years, trying by whatever means, at their disposal, to return to her as living entities. Some years ago, the Karmic Board mercifully, freed them from this torture and after they, willingly, appeared before that August Body for "judgment", were assigned to an embodiment where, possibly improved, will become more useful individuals in their next re-embodiment. At this point, it is well to remember that without adjudication before the Karmic Board, re-embodiment is not possible.

A cognate class to the "Earth Bound" were what is known as the "prisoners in the compound" who, whether actual members of the dark forces or their "claws", after death they persistently refused to come for adjudication. This in itself, was not so important, as it was the fact that they, knowing certain phases of the Law, they were dangerous to those on Earth, even after their death, so their restraint. (8)

These prisoners differed from others in the astral plane for regardless of their connection with the brotherhood of evil forces, as living, earthy beings, possessed a superior and strong intellect which they used to occupy throughout the centuries important governmental positions, of great trust, in various parts of the world, which they used selfishly and for personal aggrandizement to such an extent as to retard the evolution of man and the progress of the Planet. (9)

Individuals who have committed crimes, even murder to one or more humans, are not among them. Only those who retarded the evolution of humanity are subject to this penalty and their number was estimated to be at 500,000. (10)

Once every year Messengers of Mercy from the Karmic Board were entering this compound with summons on hand, requesting their appearance before that August Body, kneel the knee before the Almighty God, and accept Its judgment. The acceptance or rejection was entirely voluntary, which these in the "compound", exercising their unalienable right of free will, they refused to accept. Recently, through the invocations of the students of the various Ascended Masters, during the latter part of 1954, two hundred of them accepted the "summons" and came to the Karmic Board for adjudication. With the beginning thus initiated, others followed until the entire group presented themselves before the Karmic Board. Today, "prisoners in the compound" do not exist and many of them are already in re-embodiment. (11)

The "summons" which a soul receives to appear before the Karmic Board has all the judicial austerity as well as its becoming dignity. The messenger Angels who are assigned to this service are magnificent Beings, especially trained for this particular work. In appearance they are tall and impressive. On their heads they bear the seven-pointed crown, symbol of the Karmic Board's authority and on their shoulders they wear a purple garment, similar to that worn by Saint Germain, made of Cosmic Light. The Balance of Justice, in perfect balance, is stamped on the breast of the garment. In their hands they hold the "roll" of the "summons" which is tied with a purple ribbon. There is no soul on the Planet to which the Messenger Angel has not appeared with the "roll" in hand, though many of them (souls) do still refuse to accept it, a matter which is no longer permanent but temporary.

When a soul has served the karma which has been adjudicated on her by the Karmic Board, the Messenger Angel, once again comes to her, but with a different "roll" in his hand. This "roll" is tied now with a ribbon of blue color - the color of opportunity. Contrary to the Messenger Angel of Adjudication, the present Angel wears Blue garments and his service is to invite the soul to appear before the Karmic Board for re-embodiment. To every three souls to which the new "summons" are given, only one is selected for re-embodiment.

At the beginning of each year, the Karmic Board starts its work for the selection of souls intended for reembodiment for that particular year. First in selective appointment are the souls who voluntarily have asked to reembody for the purpose to help the Race. Next to them are those who have finished their imposed Karmic liabilities and have a right to preference. With the souls, thus selected during the month of May of each year, Mother Mary (12) at Her Temple of the Sacred Heart, assisted by Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy, Chohan Nada, Goddess of Divine Love, both Members of the Karmic Board, as well as by the Cosmic Being Meta, Daughter of our former Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, bless all the souls that were destined for reembodiment and assist in the creation of the "Sacred Heart" with which each soul will be connected in the world of form. The manner and details of this blessing, as the soul is prepared for this new life experience, with great lucidity, Mother Mary presents it in a talk She gave to students at the Retreat of Resurrection (13) on April 15, 1960. Excerpts of this address we present in the following: (14) ("Bridge", May, 1960, p. 40)

". . . Many ages have been since unascended beings have consciously worked with Ascended Beings on a Cosmic Purpose with no veil between . . . and now their energies and vital interest have given us opportunities to serve them. As the blessed lifestreams, from all over have been called to My Temple of the Sacred Heart, it is interesting to watch the process which takes place there. . . . Three classes are coming to the Temple. First come the Beautiful Beings like the Buddhas - God-free Beings - who volunteered to become part of the karma and part of the race. Then you have the chelas of the various Masters of the Seven Rays Who have seen something of the Divine Pattern and plan at Inner Levels and who are desirous of cooperating with their Master by coming into embodiment, particularly at this time in building the permanent Golden Age. Then you have again the great number of lifestreams that must, in justice, be allowed to re-embodiment within a certain span of years. . . . When all the souls intended for incarnation come to the Halls of Karma, for appearance before the Karmic Board, they are placed in line with the Ray to which they belong. The last are represented by their respective Elohim, Archangel or Chohan, though often one of them represents all three. Immediately behind, stand the Great Beings (Buddhas, Kumaras, etc.) Who have come from other Systems of Worlds to incarnate on Earth. Then follow, in graded order the evolved students, with their sponsoring Masters, along with the' rest intended for incarnation, each one in line with his Ray. The totality of them all spread in seven huge triangles, representing the Seven Rays, with the Karmic Board in the center. . . .

"First the Ascended Masters present those highly evolved Beings who have come from other Systems of Worlds and Who, personally, themselves, address the Karmic Board. The latter carefully examine every aspect of the request to determine to what extent, the great sacrifice to which the applicant submits himself, will correspond with the possible result. . . . " (15)

"Next follow the students who are anxious to help the evolution. They appear with their Sponsoring Master, the latter assuming certain responsibilities, should the sponsored fail. And this, for by giving preference to him, the Board deprives another who actually needs it and has a right for it. (16)

"To many of the souls that have been summoned for incarnation, as well as those who came voluntarily, incarnation is often denied. In that case, those who were refused leave the Halls of Karma from the left while the accepted from the right. In this, one often sees highly evolved Buddhas and equally qualified chelas leaving from the left. They, however, can come back with a new application in the following year, when the Karmic Board meets again.

"After the selective task of the Karmic Board has been completed, then comes the service which have rendered with great joy and happiness for many, many centuries of time, the blessing of the souls who are chosen and passed by the Karmic Board and who are ready to seek embodiment through the parents of this race upon the Earth within the coming twelve-month period.

"If you will come with Me to the Sacred Heart Temple and as We stand above it just for a moment, you will see the beauty of that magnificent Temple and the beautiful fields - filled with all manner of wild flowers and deep grass, almost knee deep, in the most exquisite shade of perfect green; and coming toward the Sacred Heart Temple from the North and East, South and West, you will see the individuals who have been chosen by the blessed Karmic Board and who have come now for Our benediction.

"As the beloved ones come close, asking for a Mother's love and blessing from beloved Kwan Yin, Nada and Myself, you can clearly see at the head of the procession, the beautiful shining golden-haired Buddha, on whom they have woven into His hair lovely blue flowers; very, very small, and He wears yet the long robe of His earned estate. It is golden, and banded heavily in blue, a great Sun of deep sapphire blue upon His back and He wears a large blue sapphire on His finger, and blue sandals.

"He is followed by the Court representing the other Members of the Buddhistic grouping and He is the first One Who starts to ascend the steps for this particular blessing and benediction. As He reached the steps, just below Myself and Kuan Yin, He kneels and Kuan Yin takes from Him the crown of flowers. Beloved Nada unwraps the string at the throat that represents the fine vestments, and He Himself removes His sandals from His feet, standing then in pure white robes, while He has the symbolic removal of the hair to the shoulders in submission to the will of God for the mercy of mankind. (17) He is followed then, as He so remains in that posture of kneeling, by the various chelas who have been accepted, and the tremendous staircase - they fill it in kneeling posture, facing up toward Our humble Selves and beneath them are the groupings of those who came with the Messengers from the Karmic Board, some of them reluctantly, some of them weeping at the thought of being parted and separated from their loved ones. . . . " ("Bridge", May, 1960, p. 40)

Saint Germain on Energy and the Law of the Circle

This address was given to the students at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 1, 1955. ("Bridge", July, 1955, p. 3)

". . . You understand little yet about energy. Energy, acting in the world of form, and in the Higher Realms as well, is the power by which all things are accomplished. It is the activity of God. Energy becomes power through conscious use. Within your Causal Body you have developed certain stores of qualified energy. In essence, this means that through all the centuries you have lived on the Planet Earth, as well as on other Stars you have taken primal Life (18) and experimented with it. You have directed it in the thought, feeling, action or the spoken word into the Pure Universal Life Substance which makes up the inner and outer atmosphere of Earth. You have set up causes. Through the Law of the Circle, those causes have returned to you with an accumulated store of similarly qualified energy. If the cause was constructive, certain momentums of power of good developed in your Causal Body. If the cause was destructive, certain weaknesses and momentums of evil registered in your etheric vehicle. If you were to look at a man with the inner sight through the consciousness of an Angel, instead of the man's form, you would see countless circles of energy pouring out from that one, some extending a great distance to the periphery of his aura and then returning back into the lifestream. You would see, also, some smaller circles, no larger than a ring that you wear upon your finger. These circles of energy are what We look at when We endeavor to secure the offices of a chela for a world movement. The amount of dynamic power that you have naturally developed, depending upon your Ray, determines the size of each of these circles of force which are lines going out into the Universe. These must then return to the one who sent them forth to be redeemed by him (either through suffering or sublimation). For instance - a flicker of mild dislike or annoyance makes a comparatively small circle of energy, and for that reason it reacts more quickly upon the lifestream. A tremendous concentrated resentment or hatred which embodies thought, feelings, spoken words and actions throughout an embodiment (or over a series of embodiments) toward an individual or condition, make a circle of energy sometimes thousands of miles in circumference. Those circles of energy often take many embodiments to return to their creator. They do not return as quickly as the smaller spurts of surface emotions or surface mental aggravations. It is the return of these tremendous drives of accumulated destructive energy through the centuries - these great circles that have been sent out, sometimes as far back as Lemuria - which are the returning currents of destructive karma. (19) These are the currents particularly watched by the Karmic Board in the protection of the soul in an Earth life.

"When the soul stands before the Karmic Board and is accepted for incarnation, these circles of cause and their ultimate effect are studied carefully. Only so many of these circles are allowed to complete their circuit return within the course of an Earth life. No unascended being can understand the mercy of the Law.

"Cosmic Angels and Devas of the Violet Fire, from Kwan Yin's Legions particularly, offer to hold back the return of these terrific pressures that would be more than the soul could handle in one Earth life. They are held back until the soul within itself develops enough Light to sublimate and transmute those energies. Only a certain amount of karma is allowed to find anchorage within the consciousness of the individual within an ordinary cycle of physical embodiment. The old statement, "the Lord fits the back for the burden", embodies this Truth. When individuals desire, as you did, to become part of the Court of Freedom and to apply for the Ascension; when they stand before the Karmic Board and receive opportunity for re-embodiment, they often ask that they may sublimate and transmute all of these currents sent forth, deliberately or unconsciously, from the beginning of time. They little know for what they ask. The Law requires that each one must transmute all the energy that he has deliberately misqualified before he can achieve the Ascension. Individuals are carefully studied, mentally, emotionally, etherically and physically, to see if these returning currents will more or less "snow them under", or whether you can stand unmoved, drawing forth whatever power of concentrated purification is required to undo the mischief which they have created through the ages.

"I tell you, as one Who has stood Sponsor for mankind and Who has seen some of these great currents of energy, it is a bold stroke for the soul to ask to be a focus for the return of all those currents of energy in one embodiment, in order to be God-Free. This is why some of you have had difficult experiences in life. It is one reason why you sometimes feel a sense of discouragement and failure, when these circles of energy returned are a pressure upon your feeling world, your mind, or your etheric body.

"In the ordinary course of metaphysical study, where individuals are engaged in either becoming financially free, removing themselves from certain limitations of flesh, or mental worry, they are studying abstractly the Law of Life, but they have not applied for the Ascension. The Cosmic Law has not granted them the opportunity for sublimating the return of all these great circles of force. They are held within a protective shell where "ignorance is bliss". They play with thought force, creating their little dollars and animating their tiny world with small manifestations which please them. They are not the conscious chelas who are drawing millions of years of energy back through the door of their own consciousness, so that at the close of the embodiment, when the God Self calls them to come 'home', they may truly say, 'It is finished! I leave not one atom, one electron qualified imperfectly.' Do you know what that means beloved ones? You have lived on Lemuria, Atlantis, in Babylon, in Persia, in China, in Egypt. You have lived, you have loved, you have hated, century after century and life after life. All of that energy is part of the etheric consciousness which forms the atmosphere over those countries. All of that energy has been charged by you. Many individuals today still have physical bodies embalmed in Egypt. Part of that energy is your own. It is not a matter of a moment to transmute and sublimate a life-cycle that has entailed millions of years of living. Common sense will tell you this. . . . "

The Lords of Karma - The "Judgement Hall"

In the following, we present excerpts of an address given to the students by Chohan Morya, on the Karmic Board and the Building in which Their main work is transacted.("Bridge", Series VIII, Book IV, p. 91)

". . . Situated in the lower Etheric Realms is the Great White Square Building which has been referred to by many as the "Judgement Hall", but which in reality is a Temple of Great Mercy and Love, known as the Halls of Karma. Through this Building passes every lifestream at some time after its release from physical embodiment, and through the same Building must every re-embodying soul pass before it is given its assignment into a new Earth body.

"There is no lifestream that is not acquainted with the Halls of Karma, and it is often because the sphere to which the soul is delegated because of its questionable activities in life that the individual has brought back a dread of "judgement", and has incorporated into the theology of the various creeds, the erroneous doctrines of the Wrath, and punishment of Jehovah.

"A thorough understanding of the great service rendered the evolving souls upon the planet by those Mighty Beings known as the Lords of Karma will take this fear of so-called death and judgement from the consciousness and feeling world of the aspirant and help the individual passing through the change called "death" as well as his loved ones remaining yet in the Earth sphere, to anticipate the experience and to assist himself in receiving the greatest possible benefit from such experience.

"The great process of evolution requires that the soul of man must embody in a physical body and learn to master the control and qualification of energies in order to qualify for certain Spiritual Offices in the scheme of Universal evolution. Many beings never choose to embody but, for the sake of brevity and clarity, We will consider only those who voluntarily choose to assume physical embodiment, either as Guardians of the human race, or in order to gain experience and mastery of energy as a member of this evolution.

"In order to regulate the entrance of these souls into physical bodies, give them an opportunity to develop and mature on the Earth and then release them at the close of a certain cycle, to make room for other lifestreams awaiting an opportunity to enter the school room of Earth, a Board of Celestial Beings was created, Whose many, diversified and complex responsibilities are concerned with the provision of the greatest possible opportunity for each one of the ten billion souls belonging to this evolution to progress spiritually.

"This Celestial Body is known as the Karmic Board, and Its decisions are final in connection with the disposition of the affairs of mankind, except in rare instances where petitions are placed before the Sun of the System, and "Dispensations" are granted to accelerate the progress of the race. . . .

"If the soul has come to the end of its cycle of embodiment on Earth and there is a possibility that the Ascension may be attained, the Messengers of the Karmic Board ofttimes come for the individual before he has, finally, passed through the change called death. Such a one is examined and, if his energies qualify him to attain his Ascension, he is given the choice of accepting the Ascension or waiting until a later date, in order to re-embody and better serve mankind. If he chooses to accept the Ascension, sometimes a few days or weeks before the silver cord is finally severed and the lifestream, under the direction of its own great "I AM" Presence, then completes Its cycle of manifestation in the Ascension into the Light. If this occurs before so-called death, there is usually a great lightness and happiness about the individual which signifies the anticipation of release to come. The far greater percentage of mankind, however, are not ready for this tremendous accomplishment, and it is particularly to these lesser sons of men that the Karmic Board are so exceedingly kind.

"At the moment when the soul is about to leave the physical body, the Personage of the Maha Chohan, Who was present at the birth of the individual, and breathed the first breath into the body, prepares to accept the final breath of the departing spirit. As the Maha Chohan accepts the breath, the silver cord is severed, and an Angel or Ascended Master awaits the soul and conveys such a one, usually to the gentle and comfortable "rest", that is the orthodox Heaven of mankind's general belief.

"Here, after a shorter or longer rest, during which time the blessed soul is allowed to meet certain friends and loved ones who are available if they have not re-embodied or have been assigned to inaccessible heights, again appears a Messenger of the Karmic Board and such a one is summoned to appear before Them and to be assigned to such a Sphere or Schoolroom as They, in Their Great Wisdom feel will best hasten the development of the God Nature within the individual lifestream.

"We speak now, not of the great mass of sleeping souls who pass through the Karmic Halls in groups, (and who are in rather a somnambulistic state during the entire procedure and are gently carried by Spirit Guardians, after the mass judgement, to a suitable Sphere where they may be awakened at least a little) but rather of the average good individual who has developed certain God principles and Spiritual interests, and so has earned individual consideration, and, also, of the smaller and more select number of chelas and spiritually developed lifestreams who have earned the special assistance of the Karmic Boards.

"Approaching the Halls of Karma, We see the great high doors open wide. Groups of individuals are entering through the arched doorway under the guidance of Angelic Beings; also the other single spirits, accompanied by Shining Beings of Light are approaching and joining the groups ascending the stairs toward the portals. As We draw near the open doors which seem to dwarf even the greatest Beings Who enter through them, we are overwhelmed by the great size of the Building, and the long corridor that stretches before Us almost as far as the eyes can see.

"As we passed along the corridor, We notice doorways opening off the central corridor and over each doorway is the name of a country (or nation) - China - India - Argentina, and so forth. From time to time, We see groups of individuals who apparently have left the body as a member of the race or country indicated by the sign over the door; turn off from the main corridor and enter those small antechambers. They are apparently awaiting summons by a Messenger of the Karmic Council.

"We proceed the entire length of the corridor and finally come upon the great audience Chamber and enter quietly, seating Ourselves just inside the door. Before Us is a large chamber, not unlike the House of Commons in England, and upon the raised dais in front of the room are seven Throne Chairs, although We are told that usually only Four Chairs are occupied, the Great Lords of Karma acting for each other, and only at the half-yearly Councils do the Seven Members officiate as One Body (June and December of each year).

"The seats are all occupied with individual souls, together with their Sponsors, or with groups of individuals, together with their Guardians and Protectors.

"A Great Angelic Being calls the name of the individual or group and they rise, together with the Sponsors - if any - and proceed to the front of the room, where the record of the life just ended is read in a loud and disconcerting voice by the Angel of Record. (20)

"Then the Holy Christ Self reports on what MIGHT have been accomplished according to the natural talents of the individual and the opportunities afforded the lifestream through the kindness and mercy of Life and the Great White Brotherhood, Who are constantly looking for ways and means by which the soul may expiate certain debts to life in constructive, impersonal and altruistic services.

"Before judgement is handed down, and the lifestream or group is given into the keeping of the Being Who will take them to a schoolroom and enroll them in the active study fitted for their evolution and progress - never with a sense of punishment - but always with a sense of developing the latent light in the heart, any Member of the Great White Brotherhood may "speak" for such a soul and offer to take the responsibility for such a one, if he is released into the Brother's custody. If this is done, the individual soul is given to the Ascended Master or Angel Sponsor and proceeds to a much higher Sphere and receives much greater assistance than that which he has earned by "merit", but rather by grace and mercy.

"This is where the efficacy of the prayers for the "dead" and the supplication for assistance for one's loved ones becomes so potent, because by drawing the attention of an Ascended Master toward the soul about to enter the Halls of judgement, always without question, the Ascended Master will either go in Person and offer to sponsor the soul or will send a Representative or chela to speak for that soul and conduct such a one to a proper place where, in time, the Ascended Master will visit him and assist in this evolution.

"At no time does the Karmic Board punish a lifestream! Their complete and entire concern is with the providing of the very best natural conditions for the development of the Spiritual nature of the individual. If an individual has lived a very wicked life, it may be necessary that such a one experience the feeling of the quality of energy he has charged into Life. This is done in order to impress the consciousness that such qualifications are not in accord with Divine Law.

"The Ascended Master Kuthumi, if not present Himself, always has a pupil present and He claims almost all those who pass from the body in youth. The Ascended Master El Morya asks for those who have been active in government affairs, even if they have, seemingly, failed in their tasks. The Ascended Master Paul the Venetian asks for those who have worked on His Ray (Third) in endeavoring to bring or sustain Peace and Brotherhood. The Ascended Master Serapis Bey speaks for the artists, the musicians, the architects, engineers, and builders of beautiful temples, cathedrals, cities, etc. The Ascended Master Hilarion speaks for the doctors, the scientists, the nurses. The Ascended Master Jesus speaks for those who have served Him well in the orthodox channels and the Ascended Master Saint Germain for the particular lifestreams who, consciously or unconsciously, have forwarded the cause of Freedom, either from political, religious, or mental and physical bondage. Thus, it is well to have at least a passing acquaintance with These Beloved Brothers so that when you stand before the Karmic Board, They may say - 'This child has served Us.'

"Ofttimes, the lifestream of those who have been benefited by the soul in life are called in to speak for them, and even members of the four-footed kingdom bear witness to kindness given them and all this is taken into account. Seldom does a soul arrive before the Karmic Board who does not have at least one lifestream that has benefited in someway by reason of its embodiment.

"After the soul is spiritually evaluated and his light measured, he is taken to some one of the Seven Spheres and here, under the direction of Beings particularly trained to teach him, he unfolds in understanding until his Guardian signifies to the Karmic Board that such a one is again ready for an opportunity to re-embody.

"As there are about ten billion souls belonging to the Earth's evolution and the accumulation of imperfection of each is such that only one-third is allowed on the planet at a time, lest the axis of the Earth would not be able to hold the weight of such human accumulation, it takes some time to secure the right to re-embody and the potential worth of the soul is taken into consideration by the Lords of Karma in deciding which one of each three applications for re-embodiment shall be offered the privilege. The Guardians of the race and the highly evolved usually forego their sojourn in the higher Realms in order to "hurry back" to help the race and they are almost always passed first by the Karmic Board. This, sometimes accounts for the lack of physical energy in this embodiment of such souls because they have foregone the period of rest in the Higher Realms which replenishes the inner bodies and refreshes the Spirit in the same manner that a good night's sleep rests the individual while in embodiment.

"After the Karmic Board has agreed to provide an opportunity for re-embodiment there comes the period in which the karma of the individual about to re-embody must be examined, and a suitable embodiment prepared wherein a certain proportion of his karma may be worked out and certain opportunities given to right wrongs of past lives and gain merit and momentum of good for the Causal Body.

"How very carefully is the amount of destructive Karmic energy meted out so that there is not more for the individual to meet in the forthcoming life than his light and strength can master! The saying, 'The Lord prepares the back for the burden', is fundamentally true, except it was the 'back' and not the Lord earned the burden, but the Lord in His Mercy 'lightened the pack'.

"When the karma has been allotted, the environment and race chosen, the parents decided upon, then the soul is notified and the Body Elemental called for the rest it has secured in its own realms. The soul and elemental are told of the forthcoming embodiment, the body elemental shown the etheric pattern of the body the soul has earned (which it often dislikes tremendously) and then the Builders of Form, the Holy Christ Self and the Elemental begin to prepare for the next embodiment and through the same Halls of Karma passes the embodying soul into the Earth plane.

"It is hoped that with the dispensations which have been granted from the Great Central Sun and with the tremendous contribution of voluntary energies from the members of the human race, that the Halls of Karma will soon be the Portals for Eternal Freedom for every member of Our race, and that as the very last lifestream passes through "to return no more", the doors of the judgement Hall may be closed for eternity and the Great Recording Angels, sealing the door, say with Jesus, "It is finished - Father, into Thy Hands We commit our evolution, and not one but has been saved."

The following excerpt is part of an address given to the students at the Royal Teton, by Lord Maitreya (now the Buddha) on July 3, 1955."Bridge", December, 1955, p. 18)

". . . Let me remind you again of the activity at the Royal Teton. Twice each year, as the acceleration of the activity of the planet's progress has taken place, the Great Karmic Board meets in the Realms of Light above the Teton. There They listen to the plans and ideas of the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the Elementals, and the members of the human race who hope to impersonally benefit the entire Planet; who hope to secure the assistance and cooperation of other members of the race of Members of the Angelic, Cherubic or Seraphic Host, in order to fulfill Their design.

"The Karmic Board is presided over by the Goddess of Opportunity and Justice Who is the Spiritual Complement of your own beloved Master, Saint Germain. She is the embodiment of Mercy and a Representative of the Seventh Ray to this Earth. Because of Her nature ensouling Opportunity, Justice and Mercy through the Flame in Her Heart, there is much greater freedom for those who desire to serve the race now than there was before She was given this position of authority and of trust as spokesman of the Karmic Board.

"The seven great Members of the Karmic Board, three seated at either side of Her, all wear robes of deep purple, representing Mercy and Compassion. Upon each One's head rests the glorious seven-pointed crown, symbol of the authority of the Karmic Board, studded with amethysts (jewel of the Seventh Ray). Facing the Karmic Board, are the Sun Gods and Goddesses from superior Systems, Alpha and Omega (from the Great Central Sun), in the center face the Goddess of Justice. The other Sun Gods and Their Complements are seated to the left and to the right of Alpha and Omega, so that there are two semi-circles facing each other. The Beloved Sun Gods and Goddesses are also dressed in exquisite royal purple, in honor of the granting of the special gifts of mercy to the Earth.

"The beginning of the procession starts with the entrance of Prince Michael, the great Archangel. He is followed by the other Archangels in graded order. Following Them is a Representative of our Lord Maha Chohan and the Temple of Comfort at Ceylon. He is followed by the Chohans of the Rays. Then you have the great Nature Kingdom represented by Beloved Aries, Virgo, Neptune, Oromasis, and Diana. Smaller elementals follow Them. The individual Who is the Hierarch of each Retreat or the Representative of the Hierarch of the Retreat, receives the beautiful Scroll tied in deep purple, which gives the authority and opportunity to use Their Own initiative and energy to return to Their Retreat and to weave out of the opportunity given whatever They can, to externalize the plan which They have presented to the Karmic Board and which that August Body has considered feasible and allowed Them to develop. (21)

"The Representative of each Retreat is the One Who kneels before blessed Portia (Goddess of Opportunity) and receives that scroll which is the opportunity to externalize that petition within the year. The other Beings Who form the escort and train of each Representative follow, giving Portia the radiation of blessing, bowing the head in honor of Her Light. Then They pass on in a circular path until They kneel before Alpha and Omega. Beloved Alpha and Omega join Their hands upon the heads of each Hierarch, or the Being Who is representing the Hierarch and Who receives the scroll giving the dispensation and grant. Then, as the circular procession moves on, They return to the group within the Heart of the Teton...."

How Dispensations Are Granted by the Karmic Board

In the following, Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth and Member of the Karmic Board, tells us how the Impersonal Cosmic Law works and why the Karmic Board does not always acquiesce to granting more Dispensations. ("Bridge", February, 1960, p. 253)

" . . . Do you know what really decides the Dispensation in favor, of even to the Lord of the World, is the amount of voluntary energies that, He can show, will be offered for the furthering of His Cause among the people that He endeavors to serve! No matter how magnificent the plan; no matter how beautiful the design; no matter with what thought these have been woven out of the energies of the various Retreats and Their Hierarchs and the assembled Brotherhood, the Pattern which will help the Race, the Impersonal Cosmic Law is such that energy voluntarily contributed from among the Race must be shown before We can acquiesce to giving of grants and Dispensations.

"Everything here and hereafter requires the investment of energy. The further you go upon the Pathway of Light, the more priceless is the gift of energy and the gift of life, and We Who hear the plea of a Cosmic Being, know the value of His life, know the value of every thought He thinks every sacred, sanctified word that passes His lips, and We cannot imprison those magnificent energies in the physical appearance world, which would be the activity if We were to grant His request and He did not have in the lower atmosphere lifestreams whose energies He could use rather than His own. The Higher the Being, the less likely are We to grant the Dispensation which will require the condensation and imprisonment of His Energies which can be utilized at Cosmic Levels, unless there are funnels through which He may direct the Divine Pattern and Plan, and those funnels of consciousness receptive to that Plan use their own energies and more than that, stimulate the interest of others around them to externalizing that Plan.

"So when the Beloved Lord of the World presents His Petition and the glorious suggestions that come from the Heart of Shamballa, the Karmic Board looks to see what lifestream will support His Plan, will be receptive to it, and if the Lord of the World can show Us some such lifestream, then We in turn give to Him a balance of Our Energy which matches the energy of the chelas voluntarily offered to the Board.

"For every chela who gives his energy to sponsor a Cosmic Cause, We give a balance from the Cosmic Stockpile and double it. If, however, the Master, whether it is the Lord of the World, or any one of the Chohans, or any other God-Free Being, has no-step-down transformer, no chelas in the world of form who, upon examination, are found worthy and capable of externalizing the Master's Plan, We recommend that the Master, in the next six months cycle, endeavor to secure such a connection and to stimulate the interest and magnetize the interest of some chelas and come back in six months with that chela in the inner body.

"Then the Master again presents the Plan and He says: 'Here is an individual who is capable of working out the details of it. I will give the seed idea - his intuition is developed - and he, working in the world of form can, I am sure, gather others around him and complete this design.' If that is the case, then We look at the inner bodies of the chela, examine them well and if We find that the Master is going to have the assistance, We will grant that petition.

"It is a very difficult assignment because We, in Our God-Free Estate see the need! We see the condition of your Earth, We see the short span of time in which this tremendous task is to be accomplished! Every plan, naturally, that comes to Us from the Ascended Host is magnificent, and yet it is all determined by how much enthusiasm and voluntary energy can be contributed by unascended beings! When the Beloved Masters have so few to show to externalize Their Plan, century after century, We have had to deny the opportunity for Them to fulfill it.

"One of the most important of the chains, We would say, that binds Our hands is the mass karma of the race. Those of tile who are interested in securing Dispensations, if you will work on the removal, through the Violet Fire, of the mass karma of the race, it will be greatly appreciated.

"When it comes to you in the unascended state, when you present your petitions, you, too, are examined and the ambition of your petition is examined by your own capacity to do anything to fulfill them and the energies of application that you could or would make are considered. Your past record is considered in this line and where there is some promise that if you are given the grant, your own energies in the calls will help to fulfill that grant, at least a partial grant may be given. But if the petitions are written lightly, hoping that some other part of life is going to fulfill them, no matter how magnificent they are, We cannot grant them unless an Ascended Being takes them up and stands Sponsor for them and offers them as His Own. . . . "


1 In an address given to the students July 1, 1960, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Chohan Morya, referring to the diverse duties of the Karmic Board, related the following: ("Bridge", October, 1960, p. 153)

"The Halls of Karma, wherein the Karmic Board holds audience, have always an open door through which may pass any intelligence endeavoring to serve the Earth.... I have seen an elemental no larger than the tip of your pen, who desired help and mercy for the Elemental Kingdom. That elemental was carried to the Halls of Karma by a mighty Seraphim.

"But whose Light opens the door? Oh, the Seraphim's Light could open the door, but no! in Love He must allow the free will of the Elemental, who is so brave as to represent his species, to the open door. Then the elemental, standing there, not quite so brave as when he first got the idea-and thinking maybe he had better go back-he looks down and the Seraphim looks pretty strong and up.... But suppose he goes back and tells the other folks there that the idea they cooked up at home wasn't so good...and then if he goes inside, without knowing how, he is going to speak to these Beings....

"So, he looked up very pathetically, and the Seraphim saw the dew drop tears come down from the little one's eyes...pats him, soothes those little feelings and says, "Now you release your light; it will be enough. So the elemental gets his little spine all erect again, looks up at the great big door, and thinks of the Beings that have been depicted as so austere and sends out a tiny little flicker; - he pushes the door and he bounces back - (it seems funny but it happens to be true), and then this little light-weight bounces back on the door again and the door doesn't even move, and then he wishes he had not come at all. And the Seraphim stays with him. Lo and behold, in time, through the love and patience of the Seraphim and, of course, the mercy of the Karmic Board, he sees that door open a couple of inches. . . . "

". . . . Then he steps inside and now he doesn't even have the Seraphim and he is all alone in the big long courtyard, and he walks along on those tiny, little feet and it sounds so loud to him for there is no one there at all, and he hears his footsteps and he is thinking out his project - he thinks and thinks and walks more slowly and he thinks this was not such a good idea. 'I don't know what those outer beings belonging to my species, meant. . . Why did they send me here?'

"So by this time he is at the door that is open; then he looks around and the door is closed behind him. So he bows before Beloved Portia and those Great Beings are so loving, but they keep impassionate expressions on Their faces and many a time they smile behind the palms of Their hands. Then, gaining strength through Their love, the tiny, little one looks up.

"On behalf of the Nature Kingdom, we implore assistance through the directors of Nature to remove blight, drought, and all impurities from our particular species."
Then, from a great height comes the voice from the Mighty One which has the tendency to shrivel the tiny one.
"And why just your species?"
"Well, we hadn't considered any but our own."
"Beloved, it has taken strength in the extreme for you to come. We saw that strength exhibited as you so bravely came and you asked the Seraphic guard to allow you to enter the Halls of Karma to appear before us. We saw the strength and beauty of your nature; it was magnificence with-which you approached us, but may we point out to you that it would be nice and kindly for you, although we give you this grant in love, when you send another representative to Us, that you shall not return without remembering all the species and not just your own. . . . "

2 In the past, the Cosmic Law required that the individual aspiring to Ascension, had to purify his lower vehicles one hundred per cent. With the new Dispensations that were given, the one hundred was reduced to fifty-one per cent. With this grant, it is hoped that man will avail himself of the opportunity and through effort, will magnetize his four lower bodies to perfection and to his eventual Ascension. (The Great Divine Director, "Bridge", August, 1956, p. 16)

3 Beloved Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy and Forgiveness, also spokesman for the Karmic Board at that time, addressing the souls about to incarnate within the year, 1954, said the following:

"...No lifestream that incarnates receives in any embodiment more karma than his development will allow him to completely expiate within that life.... There is no disease - no distress or condition which, through the Law of Justice and Mercy, is to be experienced by any lifestream in that embodiment, that is greater than the developed consciousness and power of the individual to whom that karma rightfully belongs. This is the Law and you may tell it from the housetops.

Man has said; "The Lord (Law) prepares the back for the burden" - yes, to a degree, but the Law does not inflict the burden of returning energy upon the lifestream until within the Flame in the heart and the capacity in the consciousness there is the potential power to balance that debt...." ("Bulletin", Vol. 3, # 11)

4 "...Every electron that the individual has taken from the unformed Light in the Heart of God and sent out into the universe stamped by the light pattern of his lifestream must be accounted for.... If the electrons went forth in harmony for a constructive purpose to fulfill at least a fair proportion of that person's reason for being, those electrons are released from the debt side of his "ledger" and become a part of the storehouse for good in the Causal Body. But, the countless hundreds of thousands of tons of energy that the individual has, so boldly drawn from God's heart, where it was resting at ease and peace, and sent forth discordantly qualified by the willful and selfish thoughts and feelings of the personal self, must be returned to the individual in one form or another until that lifestream redeems that energy and sends it forth in love, for it is the Law of Life that any energy sent forth which does not comply with the Law of Harmony, must be cleansed and purified by the dispenser.

Now, when I say "returned in one form or another", I mean that ofttimes the energy sent forth qualified inharmoniously through the individual's own free will in one lifetime, will come back to him in some particular trait or characteristic in some person around him which is particularly annoying or distressing - and that energy coming from another lifestream which "baits" the temper must be loved into harmony or it will appear again in another lifestream some place in that individual's path.... No two people are annoyed by the same traits, habits, and characteristics of people, animals, or circumstances. Why? Because each one is only prodded by the energy which corresponds to his own "failing" in some lifetime and which life in mercy brings back to him in order that he may redeem it and so set both himself and the other one free...." (The Maha Chohan, "Bulletin", December 5, 1954)

5 On December 2, 1956, Mother Mary, addressing the students at the Retreat of Shamballa, referred to one of Her re-embodiments, long before She became the Mother of Jesus.("Bridge", April, 1957, p. 8)

"...Like most of you, I first came to the Earth filled with enthusiasm and desire to help mankind - sure and certain of My Own God-connection with My Own Divinity; positive that no rip-tide which flows through the atmosphere of Earth nor any contagion of the fears, hates and diseases of the people could or would possibly enter My mind or feelings. I know whereof I speak for I have been through it all. Long, long before I was privileged to take My initiation before Lord Maitreya and qualify to become the Guardian and Protector of the lifestream of Jesus in His final embodiment here on Earth long before that, I took embodiment on this planet as a woman - was raised to My maturity - and then given in marriage unto a very holy man Whose name today you would know were I to mention it. This man was filled with reverence and peace but I was unhappy there and I lived rebelliously within his home. In My own thoughts and feelings, there was a resistance to His sanctity. Where that resistance came from I shall not tell you but to this man I bore a child - a child whole body was built of My Own concepts - deformed; a child that no one but a mother could love. I lived with that child and raised it, learning during that time something of what hidden and destructive thoughts and feelings can do, not only to the molding of the flesh of the unborn carried beneath one's heart but also to the energies of one's own personal world.

That child passed on, not too late in life - Thank God - and all during this experience, my loving husband protected both the child and Myself. When I finally passed from that embodiment - believe Me - I certainly did apply for entrance into those Temples of Light at Inner Levels where one is trained to govern and control thought and feeling. It was then that I took the vow (when I was ready so to do - how many embodiments later it was I do not care to tell you!) to be the Protector of the children - the unborn and the born - especially the deformed and unwanted and of the mothers and fathers who suffer the agonies of distresses which are similar to those of My experience.

You see, dear friends, sometimes these very trying experiences become the very good one requires to compel the stubborn human knee to bend to the goodness and perfection of God's Holy Will. The only reason I have related My Own story to you was that I thought it would encourage you to know that I had had such an experience. For no other reason would I put the thought of anything less than perfection into your minds...."

6 This is the "purgatory" of Christianity, with the difference that this is temporary and corrective and not eternal and revengeful.

7 The term astral body" refers to man's three lower bodies - emotional, mental and etheric - which he carries with him after "death", to the other side.

8 In an address to the students, Archangel Zadkiel said the following: ("Bridge", 1959, p. 150)

"...Beloved ones, there have been, in the ages that have come and gone, many ideas formed, many thought forms and patterns which have not been dissolved, some of them remain within the etheric realm and what you call the psychic and astral realm and they float around there - they would be dissolved except for the fact that disembodied individuals, some of whom promulgated those very ideas, feed their life into them and keep them alive. Now these invisible focuses which are imperfect, are kept alive by the very individual or those who have a similar rate of vibration who for one reason or another would like to see them externalized in the world of form.

At the present time, we are very busy at Inner Levels, disconnecting the souls of those individuals who, between embodiments, have had certain affinity to discord. As they are taken into the Temples of Light and, as they are given knowledge of the use of the Violet Fire within those Temples of Light, then there is nothing to feed these forms and the natural process of the Violet Fire, which is blazing through those Realms at all time, will dissolve them before they can anchor into embodied lifestreams who have the way, the means and the power, temporarily, to again externalize them to give distress to mankind and the Earth.

There has to be a cause and core in the inner realms before there is a manifestation and effect in the world of form. If we can remove these vortices of disembodied souls from their affinity, mentally, emotionally, and etherically, to discord of every kind, as we are trying to do, it is easy then to remove causes and core of that discordant condition and replace it by a magnificent blazing Cause and Core of Cosmic Light, which in turn filters down through the constructive people on any one of the Seven Rays into the outer consciousness and becomes something that is constructive which they can externalize...."

9 "We were very pleased, and I know you will be too, to know that three of the individuals just recently released from the former compound brought petitions to the Teton and that those petitions were given to the Angel of the Scrolls. Those petitions were found so efficacious that they have been accepted by the Ascended Master Serapis Bey and will be part of His petition at New Year's Eve. This is quite a magnificent thing, beloved ones, when you think that those people wanted no part in helping the evolution of this Earth, and yet now they are willing and eager to cooperate in the evolution of the Planet."(Chohan Lanto, "Bulletin", Vol. 6, #40)

10 This figure was given by Chohan Kuthumi.(Bulletin", November 28, 1954)

11 In Saint Germain's "Trilogy On the Threefold Flame of Life", a "Summit Lighthouse" publication, on p. 34, we read: "...Now you cannot deny, for all around you the evidence stands, that the Planet is filled with children who are obviously rebellious spirits. Many of these have been but released in recent years and some of them were imprisoned for a considerable period in the compound; others were held in special spheres of assistance, in various Temples, awaiting rebirth...."

This gives us the long-sought explanation as to why the present day turmoil, of among a large segment of our youth exists: who they are; where they come from and what are their antecedent proclivities which, like a shadow following the body, prompt them to present actions.

12 "...Some who are adherents of the Christian Faith call me "Mother of God". To those of the protesting branch of Orthodox Christianity, this seems a sacrilege, for men may well ask: "Who is worthy to be the Mother of God?" But this concept, when understood to mean the mother of a Divine embodiment reveals the glorious Truth that every mother may be the "Mother of God...." (Excerpt from an address by Mother Mary to students of "The Summit Lighthouse", in Washington, D.C.)

13 During the Transmission Flame Activity of March 19, 1955, in the Retreat of Resurrection, the Beloved Spirit of the Resurrection Flame, Goddess Hope, Divine Complement of Archangel Gabriel chose to address the assembled gathering there. We present it in its entirety. ("Bulletin", Vol. 4 #1)

"I AM the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection, Servant of the Most High Living God, and came tonight from the Heart of the Universal.

"Why does not mankind command Me? Why does not mankind seek Me? Why am I not welcome within the breast of the human race - when the smallest blossom, the tiniest seed, the smallest bulb, invokes Me - draws Me into its bosom, bursts its bonds and becomes a magnificent, fragrant and flowerful manifestation of the glory of God?

"I have been sent from the House of the Lord to a recalcitrant race, in which death, disintegration, disease and decay are written across the bodies that should be immortal, shining and blazing like the sun - and who has welcomed Me? The daffodil, the crocus and the early forsythia? Wherefore, man, are thy nonmastery and thy inhospitality!

"I AM the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection, the Hope of Eternal Life and Light, invoked in the tomb of Jesus and blazing through His transfigured flesh, drew Him into Immortality.

"I AM the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection blazing through nature's kingdom. Wherefore, man, is thy inhospitality to Me?

"Command ye Me, O mankind of this Earth! Why linger longer in decay! Why linger longer in those bonds of disintegration! I AM speaking to your hearts! What seek ye, man? Hope, wealth, illumination! Peace! Purity! Beauty! God Supply! Ye had it all once! Within your life it dwells - dormant, true - but I AM that Spark which, kindled with your life essence, can resurrect for you the Immortality that you once knew!

"Come ye back from the dead, O man, and grasp My Hand in Love and Light! Let me enter into your imprisoned consciousness, which you hug so tightly that it becomes a repellant force to all that would set you free! Oh, burst asunder, man, and let the Flames which we represent and which are intelligent, conscious Life enter in, mingle with you life essence and set you free! You, the tinder - We, the Cosmic Spark of Life and yet We stand with hands folded, with eyes downcast with no summons and no purpose - although Servants of man and Servants of God!

"Think not that the Flame (of the Resurrection) is an intangible and senseless ephemeral dream! Every flame is an embodied Consciousness of Light and Life rushing forth to serve!

" I AM the Cosmic Flame, the Spirit of Resurrection charging through, charging through, charging through that wall of unbelief, that shell of non-acceptance, that shell of lethargy!

"I AM willing Myself into your hearts, and where my Flame meets your Heart Flame, Resurrection of Divinity occurs. Because you have had sight once and hearing and intelligence and youth once, there is HOPE, because I AM the Resurrection Power bringing back that which was given you of God!

"Oh, when God gives once, remember He never takes it away! It is you who have temporarily pushed your gift aside.

"O, mankind, everyone, everywhere, while the Spirit of Resurrection is honored during this Holy Easter Season, and while this Retreat in which My Flame stands visible is active, I AM going to knock upon the door of your consciousness and knock and knock and knock ceaselessly - day and night, until you let Me in.

"In the darkness of the night you will hear My Voice calling: "I AM the Spirit of Resurrection calling you from death to Life! Let Me in! Let Me in! Let Me in!"

". . . The first Passover Feast was celebrated in the desert of Arabia one year after Moses led the Jews out of Egypt. On the sands of the Arabian desert . . . a very weary group of pilgrims broke bread together and thanked God for releasing them from the bondage of Egyptian cruelty and domination. . . On this very spot stands the Arabian Retreat of the Ascended Master Jesus today . . . . (The Maha Chohan, "Bulletin", Volume 7, #6)

In His "Bulletin" of April 5, 1953, addressed to His students, the Maha Chohan stated the following:

"...I, Myself, was privileged to stand with Him (Jesus) from the time when He breathed his last breath on the Hill of Golgotha, and I received that breath into My Own body to preserve it for Him, until He should choose to call it back and re-establish the rhythm through his physical garment. Although I held the breath of His life within Myself, the actual calling forth of that breath had to come through the conscious endeavor of His Own lifestream, and if He had not been able to magnetize that breath, even though it stood by His Side, I could not have given it unto Him. However, at the appointed moment, His great, purified Soul was enabled to take possession of that body and in-breath...At that moment, I stood close by His Side and from My Own lips, I gave back to Him the very breath He had breathed out on the cross and again the rhythm of life animated His vessel and the concentrated Resurrection Flame soon raised it into the vibratory action of His Christ Body, and He easily burst forth from the Tomb - the Victor and Example of Life Eternal for all mankind that shall choose to accept His Victory...."

Many and magnificent were the Cosmic Beings who participated in the Ceremony that took place in the Retreat of Resurrection on March 19, 1955, but none of Them attracted the attention as that of some member of the Elemental Kingdom, who partook and walked in the parade. Says Kuthumi:

"...After these, walks a Being Who has guarded the Elemental Kingdom for a long, long time. He is accompanied by representatives of the four elemental kingdoms who have passed through explosions of the atom bomb and I would not care to describe their appearance to you. The distorted and distressed appearance of these beautiful, delicate and fine little beings is a disgrace to the human race as a whole and I would ask you to make calls that those atrocities cease...."(The Chohan Kuthumi, "Bulletin", Vol. 3, #52)

"...The Resurrection Flame was first drawn into the atmosphere of the Earth Planet by the Great Krishna, (of "Krishna and Sophia" fame - Solar Logoi) Who seeing the shadow of human thought and feeling taking form in the consciousness of man, knew that the fruit of that seed would be disease, disintegration and decay, and knew further that some means of restoration of these fallen Sons of God would have to be provided for, in case they desired to return to their natural God Estate...."("Bridge", March, 1964, p. 4 )

"What Jesus said: "I AM the Resurrection and the Life" - like many other statements of immortals, repeated by men - is not completed. "I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Perfection" is the completed statement...."(Chohan Morya, "Bridge", April, 1957, p.4)

Commenting on the same subject elsewhere, Jesus stated: "I AM the Resurrection and the Life of My Divine Plan, physically manifest here and now."("Bridge", Vol. 6, p. 16)

14 At another talk given January 18, 1958, at the same Retreat, Mother Mary said the following:("Bulletin", Vol. 6, #44, 1958)

" . . . We in the Ascended Masters' Realm will respond and have through the ages, to any and all who require such assistance. . . . My service is primarily concerned with Divine Healing which comes as a result of removing the cause and core of distress, particularly the distresses for which there is no known outer palliative or restorative power to perfection.

"I serve closely with Beloved Hilarion, with the scientist men of research, the nurses and all those who do alleviate the distresses of mankind, and as quickly as possible, endeavor to inspire those dedicated men and women with the ways and means of helping to undo the destructive karma of the race.

"These activities are all described during the presence of any one of you at the Resurrection Temple. We have Teachers in every one of the corridors. Those Teachers are provided - qualified to treat a certain type of consciousness. You and your Sponsor will quickly go to that corridor which is akin to the type of consciousness you can receive because like attracts like above as well as here below.

"During this thirty-day period (Jan. 15th - Feb. 14th, 1958), We are having magnificent manifestations on a certain type of screen, something like your motion picture, where We show the activity of the Angelic Host and how They can and do assist mankind. These beautiful pictures will come forth in the physical appearance world in the future, as soon as responsive lifestreams are raised up to prepare the very delicate mechanism to give you third and fourth dimensional activities. . . . "

15 " . . . This year (1954) the convention of the Karmic Board attracted almost universal attention, owing to the Fiat issued by the Cosmic Law, some two years ago, that Sanat Kumara's 'exile' (full time Presence - ARC editor) on this Planet is to come to an end at the completion of this current twenty-year period. Unfortunately, our fair Earth has become known among her sister planets and the neighboring stars and galaxies as the "Dark Star", the intelligences evolving upon them being fully aware that this condition is due to the ignorance as well as indifference of the lifestreams evolving upon her.

"The reason that I mention the other stars and galaxies is that the Celestial Hierarchy governing our Earth were amazed to discover that millions of lifestreams from other systems of world had applied to our Karmic Board for embodiment on the planet Earth this year, in the hope that the essence of their innocence might be a 'contagion' (influence - ARC editor) to the Earth people - that they might awaken to the seriousness of their condition if enough Light is not forthcoming from the Earth to hold her place in the Solar System.

"These visiting souls are not entirely free; they are evolving on beautiful shining stars similar to Venus and they were willing to take flesh bodies, submitting themselves to the laws governing the evolution of this backward planet in order to help its inhabitants through precept and example to fulfill their divine plan. In making this offer, they were fully and consciously aware of the fact that by so doing they might delay their own evolution indefinitely, depending on their susceptibility to earthly conditions and the karma of the family, race and nation into which they would incarnate under the impersonal Karmic Law.

"Think of the love that prompted the offer of that sublime sacrifice. There they stood - beautiful beings - tall, golden-haired, and blue-eyed - all dressed in exquisite garments of soft pink - awaiting the decision of the Karmic Board. However, justice and mercy being the order of the New Day, the Board saw fit to accept only about one thousand of these beautiful beings, who will be distributed here and there on the Earth's surface for its edification and enlightenment. The others returned to their various Stars, followed by the loving benediction of the entire assemblage.

Besides these loving volunteers, one hundred Buddhas, from other Planets, offered to incarnate this year. These are beings without karma and have earned the right to enter what is loosely named Nirvana. They are on the level of development with Lord Maitreya. One of these was gratefully accepted." (The Maha Chohan, "Bulletin", Vol. 3, #9)

16 "...In My position it is required that the Masters of Wisdom apply always for the acquiescence of My Office before the acceptance of a chela into Their own worlds. The reason for this lies in the fact that, cosmically speaking, it is My great joy, privilege and honor to draw the great energies from the Sun and delegate them each according to their proper channel of expression. Knowing the precious and priceless gift of life for what it is - each electron pulsating with the potent powers of Eternal Life and all the mastery of the Sacred Fire - I can well realize what it means to invest energies in a lifestream or in a cause, being well aware of the balance that it is required by Law for such an investment. Therefore, before I give My permission for such an alliance, I personally weigh the possible benefit - not only to the individual soul but to the race - against the sacrifice entailed by the Master in drawing His attention and energies into the focalized interest of one individual...."(The Maha Chohan, "Bulletin", November 21, 1954)

17 When a spirit is re-embodied, a band of forgetfulness is placed on his forehead so that he would not remember his past lives - both good and evil. This is done in mercy for the weight of remembrance would be too much for the emotional body to stand when added to the experience of the current life. As we have stated earlier when an individual incarnates, he is allotted so much karma for that embodiment, which fits his capabilities to transmute, for "The Lord fits the back for the burden".

It is possible, however, that sometimes, under a special dispensation of the Karmic Board, though extremely rare, certain individuals, under special circumstances, who have reached high perfection, that past memories of personal hates and prejudices do not affect them, are permitted this privilege. This done, the individual has a continuity of consciousness, remembering not only past earthly life experiences, but also those that occurred at Inner Levels, between embodiments.

18 "...The Great Creator, in His multiple mercy and kindness created the electronic pattern of each individual different and distinct so that all might enjoy a certain individuality and beauty of form. The electrons of each such individual differ in their elemental structure like unto the snowflakes. Each pattern and form represents the identity of The "I AM" Presence which will manifest through the Holy Christ Self in Its fullness through the outer self as the three become One.(The Holy Trinity)

As you have been often told before, the pattern of the electrons of Ascended Master Saint Germain is represented by the Maltese Cross, that of the Lord Gautama Buddha is the open Lotus; that of the Beloved Regent, Sanat Kumara is the perfect Star of Love and Peace. This means that all of the electrons which make up Sanat Kumara's, Saint Germain's, and Lord Gautama's bodies are countless myriad replicas of the Forms mentioned above through which the Light of God always flows in the prismatic colors of the rainbow.

All the God Energy that They draw from the Body of God, the Unformed, once it has come under Their conscious control is immediately stamped with These patterns and wherever It proceeds in the Universe (directed by Their thoughts, feelings, spoken words, and actions) these electrons will carry the outline of Their particular pattern.

In like manner, all the God Energy which each chela draws from the Unformed, immediately takes on the form of his or her own electronic pattern...." (The Maha Chohan, "Bulletin", Vol. 8, #15)

19 Referring to the "returning currents of destructive karma", and associating His words to the statement found in the Old Testament - Exodus 20: 4-6 wherein it is stated that the sins of the forefathers would be visited upon their descendants unto the "third and fourth generation", Chohan Serapis Bey, in an address to the students said:

"Contrary to the present wording which implies hereditary afflictions, wholly incompatible with Divine Justice, the inner meaning of the text is that every individual is held accountable for his breach of Cosmic Law for as many embodiments as are required to balance that action. . . . "

20 The following excerpt is taken from an address of Paul the Venetian, which He gave to the students on October 3, 1953. ("Bridge", Series 2, Book 1, p. 13)

". . . Many is the soul Lord Michael has met - many is the soul that has stood before the Court of Karma who has said: 'Give me just one day to go back and make things right.' But when that silver cord is severed - when your Christ Self says 'Enough' - when the Maha Chohan feels the investment of the energy from the Sun into your lifestream has been sufficient, and that nothing more can be accomplished, there is no 'going back' - it is always 'Forward'! And that Angel who stands at the door of the Halls of Karma, when the souls have had their individual judgement, (which is not eternal, but just governs the past life) that Angel Who stands with hands outstretched and says 'Forward' - that blessed one is not always too well-liked by the souls of men. Yet "Forward" the soul must proceed into the schoolrooms assigned, into the condition it has prepared in its Earth life, and then when the Call comes from the Karmic Board again, it may petition for a new opportunity to come back and make things right...and how is each one chosen? possible service. . . ."

21 In the following, Chohan Morya is giving us additional information. ("Bridge", June, 1953, p. 5)

"...For several days before the Great Audience Chamber is opened, the Brothers gather and present to the Keeper of the Records the particular plans and designs which Their individual Retreats are sponsoring. These plans are fastened on a gigantic Bulletin Board and each Retreat is assigned a conference room where one of the Brothers is always in attendance upon any lifestream who has read with interest the proposed plan and who signifies a willingness to contribute the voluntary energies of his own waking consciousness to forward such a plan. Thus, before the general presentation of the plans and designs, the Brothers have a comprehensive idea of how many sponsors, from among the human race, will be willing to stand up when the Spokesman for the Karmic Board asks: "And who - among the sons of men - will offer you their energies and their consciousness to forward your plan, despite any personal discomfort or inconvenience which such selfless service may entail?"

"After all the plans and designs are heard, and the sponsors from among the human race duly noted, the grants are handed down, and those Masters who have secured the greatest response from the hearts of the assembled embodied mankind receive the most energy from the Cosmic Storehouse which balances the "pledged" energy of the students. . . ."


About the Author

Tellis Papastavro was born in Greece and spent his formative years in the radiance of Beloved Pallas Athena's Temple of Truth. When he was 17 years old, he came to America where he spent his life seeking the answers to the questions "Who am I? Where did I come from?" Tellis found his answers in the information and teachings that were being released to Humanity, in an accelerated fashion, in accordance with Cosmic Edict. This information and teachings came from several key sources and was preparing Humanity to work in cooperation with the Ascended Host for the purpose of transforming the Planet into Her Divine Heritage, which is Heaven on Earth.

Realizing the necessity of a publication that would make these teachings available to every seeker - neophyte and experienced alike - Tellis compiled this information into "a handy manual of ordered teachings" and ""The Gnosis and the Law" was created. The material is considered the "Jewel Teachings" of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Tellis was a selfless servant of the Light, and his sole purpose in publishing this sacred book of illumined Truth was to expand the wisdom and knowledge of God on Earth. Our Beloved Tellis returned to Greece in 1988 where he made his final preparation to leave the Earth. He was called home on February 3, 1989 at the age of ninety nine.

  1. Papastavro, Tellis "The Gnosis and The Law" Chapter 15   (Copyright for The Gnosis and The Law was given to Patricia Diane Cota-Robles by Tellis S. Papastavro on October 29, 1980. This information may be copied for the benefit of Humanity, however, please give credit as to the source.)
  2. Luk, A.D.K.   The Law of Life: Book II, (Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications, 1989)
  3. The Bridge to Freedom Journal, 1952 - 1961; reprinted by Ascended Master Teaching Foundation
  4. Voice of the I AM ®, (Saint Germain Foundation, 1936 - 2004)
  5. Pearls of Wisdom ®, (The Summit Lighthouse, 1958 - 1972)
  6. Blavatsky, Helena P.   The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy (Wheaton, Illinois: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993);

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